Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Writer's Autobiography Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Writer's Autobiography Assignment - Essay Example This gave me an opportunity to read extensively. As such, I gathered knowledge on how to approach different topics. My tutor told me that, to develop fluency in language, there is a need to read extensively. This will not only develop my fluency in writing, but will also develop my speech. In my pre-school years, I remember playing reading games. This gave me exposure to the English language as I learned new vocabularies with each passing day. Apparently, some of the words were confusing. This encouraged me to search a dictionary to enable me understand the vocabularies. However, this was tricky. For example, some new vocabularies are not included in the older versions of dictionaries. Therefore, as I progressed in the reading games, I had to look for the latest dictionary. This proved a prudent approach in knowing new vocabularies. In the turn of events, I started to develop a passion of writing about any trending story. As such, I noted that I had developed an undying passion of writing for enjoyment. One thing i remember about writing is that, it helps in grasping different topics and giving the topics a different approach. For example, I could write about the same story using three different approaches. This was like playing with words to suit the same topic. I re member most of my classmates making requests for my writings to develop their language. I felt that my writing was appreciated in class. As a fact, this elevated my passion in writing. I felt that I could do better with enhancement in the efforts I made towards writing. Consequentially, I started concentrating in some of the topics that proved a hurdle. For example, physical geography involves visiting places and doing lots of research. However, I started writing about physical geography, though I had not visited some of these places. This sparked my imagination to a higher level as I had to do massive research on the places. I was astonished

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